Caregiving can be a rewarding journey, but dealing with the demands can be challenging. As a caregiver, you can experience stress in your role when you find it difficult to perform your role optimally, or find yourself stressed by situations.
You are not alone. Let's watch a video by Mr Danny Raven Tan on his caregiving journey and experience from caring for his mother suffering from dementia.
Caregivers manage multiple roles and each role requires the caregiver to employ different skills, attitudes and mindsets to handle the dynamic situations. Therefore, taking control of your life and practising self-care is of utmost importance.

Caregivers' Stress Checklist
Diagnose yourself! Run through this checklist to assess your current state of wellbeing.

If you answered "yes" to the above statements, you are likely to be feeling more stressed than usual. Should these feelings persist, seek advice from your family doctor or professionals involved in the care of your care recipient.
Call Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) at 1800-221-4444 (24hrs) if you are thinking of suicide or harming yourself. If you know of someone who is in immediate harm, call Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) at 995.
For more resources on caregiver stress and management tips, please visit:
SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre;
Singapore General Hospital;Medical Humanities;
Caregiver Stress;MH Read