As part of celebrating Stories from the Heart/ CardioConnect's 50th issue, we asked staff to submit some of their most memorable moments at NHCS. Starting this issue, look out for their stories!
NHCS holds an important place in my heart besides being my first employment after completing my National Service - this is where I met my wife! She joined earlier than me and she shared that her colleagues treat her like family. it’s certainly true, as at times, I feel like I’m working with my in-laws!
Jokes-aside, I recall when I first joined NHCS in 2012, I was assigned to understudy at Cardiac Clinic B in the old Mistri Wing building. I will never forget that ‘warzone’! The registration process then was manual, and patients would place (or ahem, throw) their appointment cards and NRIC onto the registration tray. Conversations happened all at once, and often, there were shouts from patients demanding to be attended to faster.

An old but gold memory of Ron (back in purple shirt), with his colleagues at Mistri Wing.
In a blink of an eye, it has been more than a decade of working in the clinic. Many things have changed and improved - from what was a warzone then, to now a staff and patient-centric centre. Over time, we have forged close bonds with many of our patients and their caregivers, and they have become like our family and friends. The interactions with patients such as seeing how they learn to manage their health and make the best out of life despite being unwell are the motivation and encouragement for me to improve patient experience at Cardiac Clinics.
As I looked back on the people who have made my journey here at NHCS so fulfilling, there are countless, however two stood out - the late Ms Lim Suh Fen, who shared her knowledge and experience with me, providing me with the essential skills I needed as a fresh graduate to understand and care for our patients; and Ms Teeu Keng San, my dearest mentor who guided me into patient management with her expertise and foresights, providing me with the knowledge to do better for our patients.

Ron Ng (back in grey shirt) with his work family at a dinner.
Since young, I was never academically inclined nor an outstanding athlete. With the guidance of my mentors and colleagues, I achieved the MOH National Day Award – Efficiency Medal in 2021 in recognition of my efforts to improve patient care. This has further motivated me, and I hope to have many more years contributing to patient care in NHCS!
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National Heart Centre Singapore;
Stories from the Heart (NHCS);
National Heart Centre Singapore;
Stories from the heart