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On the Day of Surgery

Nil by mouth = Nothing to eat or drink

The doctors or nurses will advise the patient how long to fast. It is important to follow these instructions. Food or fluid in the stomach may enter the lungs while the patient is unconscious. If the patient does not follow this rule of fasting, the operation may be postponed in the interests of his/her safety. If the patient is taking medications, the patient should continue to take them, e.g. high blood pressure or asthmatic medications, unless the anaesthetist or surgeon tells the patient not to.

If the patient feels unwell on the day that he/she is coming into the hospital for an elective operation, the doctor should be informed.

During Surgery

A nurse will verify patient’s identity and the procedure they are undergoing before taking the patient into the Operating Theatre, where the surgical team will do the same.

If the patient is under General / Regional Anaesthesia, our anaesthetist will verify their medical history and test results. The anaesthetist will be in charge of the patient’s anaesthesia care throughout surgery.