Ng Yao Yi Kennedy
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Dr Ng Yao Yi Kennedy

Dr Ng Yao Yi Kennedy

MBBS (S’pore) (Hons), MRCP (S’pore), MMed (Int. Med), FAMS


Specialty: Medical Oncology

Clinical Interest: Gastrointestinal Oncology

Conditions Treated by this Doctor:
Anal Cancers, Bile Duct Cancer, Biliary Tract Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST), Liver Cancer, Oesophageal Cancer, Oesophageal Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Pancreatico-Biliary Diseases, Peritoneal based Malignancies, Stomach Cancer.

Clinical Appointments

  • Consultant Division of Medical Oncology National Cancer Centre SingaporeNational Cancer Centre Singapore
  • Visiting Consultant KK Breast Centre KK Women's and Children's HospitalKK Women's and Children's Hospital
  • Visiting Consultant Changi General HospitalChangi General Hospital
  • Clinical Lead Population Health and Integrated Care Office Singapore General HospitalSingapore General Hospital

Academic Appointments

  • Clinical Instructor


Dr Kennedy Ng, MBBS (S’pore) (Hons), MRCP (UK), MMed (Singapore), FAMS, is a Medical Oncologist at the National Cancer Centre Singapore. He obtained his MBBS from the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and graduated as the valedictorian. He obtained his MRCP, MMed (NUS) in 2018 and was awarded the Gordon Arthur Ransome Gold Medal. In 2022, he graduated as the top trainee for the Medical Oncology Specialist Programme.

He joined the SingHealth Internal Medicine Residency Programme in 2016 and was her Chief Resident from 2018-2019. He has an interest in Medical Education and has led multiple educational initiatives for medical students and internal medicine residents such as Project Inspire and Project CADENCE. He completed the Singapore Chief Resident Programme in 2019 and was awarded the top 3 SingHealth Chief Resident in 2022.

He also has a keen interest in research, especially in hepatopancreaticobiliary cancer, immunotherapy, health services research and population health, and has published numerous papers in these fields (h-index: 6; i-10 index: 6).

Dr Ng is passionate about reducing disparities in healthcare and improving health at the population level. He has a concurrent appointment at the Singapore General Hospital Population Health and Integrated Care office as her Clinical Lead. In addition, he started the charity TriGen in 2020 to empower youth and lay people to care for older adults in the community.


  • FAMS (S’pore)
  • MMed (Internal Medicine) (S’pore)
  • MRCP (UK)
  • MBBS (Hons) (S’pore)

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • European Society of Medical Oncology, Member
  • Singapore Society of Oncology, Member
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology, Member
  • National Cancer Centre Singapore Undergraduate Unit, Deputy Director
  • NCCS Population Health Steering Committee, Secretariat Lead
  • SGH Campus Phase 2B Hospital Planning Committee, Digital Health and Smart Technologies Workstream, Member
  • SingHealth Internal Medicine Residency, Core Faculty


  • European Society of Medical Oncology, Leadership Generation Programme Awardee (Asia) (2022)
  • Medical Oncology Exit Examination Book Prize (Top Trainee for Medical Oncology Specialist Examination) (2022)
  • SingHealth Top 3 Chief Resident (2022)
  • Singapore Health Quality Service Awards, HERO award (2021)
  • SingHealth Medicine ACP Junior Educator Award (2021)
  • SingHealth, Outstanding Resident Educator Award (RISE) (2021)
  • SingHealth, Outstanding Resident Educator Award (RISE) (2019)
  • G. A. Ransome Gold Medal (Top Candidate for Master of Medicine Internal Medicine) (2018)
  • SingHealth, Outstanding Resident Award (RISE) (2018)
  • SingHealth, Best House Officer (2017)
  • Changi General Hospital, General Medicine Best House Officer (2017)
  • Yong Loo Lin, Special Recognition Award (2017, 2019, 2020, 2021)
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Dean’s List (2011-2016)
  • AY2016 Lee Hsien Loong Award for Outstanding All-Round Achievement (2016)
  • Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal (2016)
  • NUSS Medal for Outstanding Achievement (2016)
  • Singapore Medical Association Medals (Silver) (2016)
  • Gordon Arthur Ransome Medal and Prize in Internal Medicine (2016)
  • Infectious Diseases Prize (2016)
  • Lim Boon Keng Medal (2016)
  • Wong Poi Kwong Medal (2016)
  • Yeoh Khuan Joo Gold Medal and Prize (2016)
  • Dermatological Society of Singapore Book Prize (2016)
  • NSC-DSS VS Rajan Gold Medal and Book Prize (2016)
  • Ivan Polunin Medal (2016)
  • Nestle Nutrition Institute Prize (2016)
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Excellence Awards (Leadership) (2015)
  • Tan Choon Kim Book Prize (2014)
  • Family Medicine Posting: 3rd Prize (2014)
  • Robert Lin Memorial Medal (2013)
  • Tan Choon Kim Medal (2012)
  • Lee Foundation Professionalism Prize (2012)

Research Interests

  • Liver cancer
  • Biliary tract cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Immunotherapy
  • Health services research
  • Population health research


  • Goh, Z.Z.S., Ho, Mh.R., Ng Yao Yi Kennedy. et al. Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model to explore the psychological impact of COVID-19 on anxiety in dyads of patients with cancer and caregivers. Int.J. Behav. Med. (2023). (IF: 2.229)
  • Ngiam NHW, Yee WQ, Teo N, Yow KS, Soundararajan A, Lim JX, Lim HA, Tey A, Tang KWA, Tham CYX, Tan JPY, Lu SY, Yoon S, Ng Yao Yi Kennedy*, Low LL*. Building Digital Literacy in Older Adults of Low Socioeconomic Status in Singapore (Project Wire Up): Non-randomized Controlled Trial. J Med Internet Res 2022;24(12):e40341. doi: 10.2196/40341. PMID: 36459398. PMCID: 9758632 (IF: 7.08) *Co-corresponding author.
  • Ng Yao Yi Kennedy, Wong LWJ, Ang AJS, Lee AWX, Tay DSH, Tan JJE, Tan SH, Choo SP, Tai DW, Lee JJX. Immune checkpoint inhibitors and tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: Does the sequence matter? Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2022 Aug 10. doi: 10.1111/ajco.13837. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35950298. (IF: 1.926)
  • Lim HA, Lee JSW, Lim MH, Teo LPZ, Sin NSW, Lim RW, Chua SM, Yeo JQ, Ngiam NHW, Tey AJ, Tham CYX, Ng Kennedy Yao Yi, Low LL, Tang KWA. Bridging Connectivity Issues in Digital Access and Literacy: Reflections on Empowering Vulnerable Older Adults in Singa-pore. JMIR Aging 2022;5(2):e34764. doi: 10.2196/34764PMID: 35503520
  • Wanyi Kee*, Kennedy Yao Yi Ng*, Joycelyn Jie Xin Lee, Daniel Shao Weng Tan. Myasthenia gravis and myocarditis after administration of pembrolizumab in a patient with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer and resected thymoma. Clinical Lung Cancer, 2021. *Co-first authors. (IF: 4.84)
  • Ng Kennedy Yao Yi, Tan S, H, Tan J, J, E, Tay D, S, H, Lee A, W, X, Ang A, J, S, Wong L, W, J, Choo S, P, Tai D, W, -M, Lee J, J, X: Impact of Immune-Related Adverse Events on Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcino-ma. Liver Cancer 2021. doi: 10.1159/000518619 (IF: 12.43)
  • Ng Kennedy Yao Yi, Yeung W, Sou KL, Lim JX, Liang S, Lee RKJ, Fong NJM, Lua A, Look X, Ann-Lee J, Leong YH, Chong C, Ang KY, Lie C, Chin A, Sng JGK, Tai BC. Factors influ-encing protective behaviours during haze episodes in Singapore: A population-based study. Ann Acad Med Singap. 2021 Jul;50(7):514-526. doi: 10.47102/annals-acadmedsg.2020614. PMID: 34342332. (IF: 8.71)
  • Wee LE, Conceicao EP, Ng Kennedy Yao Yi, Tham CK, Venkatachalam I. Prevention of healthcare-associated respiratory-viral infections amongst oncology inpatients: Infection pre-vention outcomes during coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic. Eur J Cancer. 2021 Apr;147:117-119. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.01.017. Epub 2021 Jan 21. PMID: 33640740; PMCID: PMC7825886. (IF: 9.162)
  • Chia JMX, Goh ZZS, Chua ZY, Ng Kennedy Yao Yi, Ishak D, Fung SM, Ngeow JYY, Griva K. Managing cancer in context of pandemic: a qualitative study to explore the emotional and behavioural responses of patients with cancer and their caregivers to COVID-19. BMJ Open. 2021 Jan 31;11(1):e041070. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041070. PMID: 33518518; PMCID: PMC7852065. (IF: 2.692)
  • Ng Kennedy Yao Yi, Chow EWX, Jiang B, Lim C, Goh BKP, Lee SY, Teo JY, Tan DMY, Cheow PC, Ooi LLPJ, Chow PKH, Lee JJX, Kam JH, Koh YX, Jeyaraj PR, Tan EK, Choo SP, Chan CY, Chung AYF, Tai D. Resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma: An Asian institu-tion's experience. Cancer Rep (Hoboken). 2021 Oct;4(5):e1393. doi: 10.1002/cnr2.1393. Epub 2021 May 3. PMID: 33939335; PMCID: PMC8551988. (IF: 0.768)
  • Teh KK-J, Soh NY-T, Lim K-W, Ng Yao Yi Kennedy, Tan JY-L, Ng K-S. Use of Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation in Paracentesis-Related Intraperitoneal Hemorrhage From a Bleed-ing Abdominal Wall Vessel. Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG. 2020 (IF: 10.864)
  • Yeung Wesley*, Ng Kennedy*, Fong JMN*, Sng J, Tai BC, Chia SE. Assessment of Profi-ciency of N95 Mask Donning Among the General Public in Singapore. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(5):e209670. (IF: 13.37)*Joint first-authors
  • Ng Kennedy, Leung, G.Y.C., Tey, A.J. et al. Bridging the intergenerational gap: the outcomes of a student-initiated, longitudinal, inter-professional, inter-generational home visit program. BMC Med Educ 20, 148 (2020). (IF: 2.372)
  • Ng Yao Yi Kennedy, Wong LWJ, Ang AJS, Tan SH, Choo SP, Tai DW, Lee JJX. Real-world efficacy and safety of immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: Experience of a tertiary Asian Center. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2020 Sep 1. doi: 10.1111/ajco.13454. (IF: 2.601)
  • Ng Yao Yi Kennedy, Zhou S, Tan SH, Ishak NDB, Goh ZZS, Chua ZY, Chia JMX, Chew EL, Shwe T, Mok JKY, Leong SS, Lo JSY, Ang ZLT, Leow JL, Lam CWJ, Kwek JW, Dent R, Tu-an J, Lim ST, Hwang WYK, Griva K, Ngeow J. Understanding the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients With Cancer, Their Caregivers, and Health Care Workers in Singapore. JCO Glob Oncol. 2020 Oct;6:1494-1509. doi: 10.1200/GO.20.00374. (IF: 1.768)

Research Trials