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Community Programmes

Programmes At A Glance

Community Health Academy (CHA)

Community Health Academy (CHA)

The Community Health Academy (CHA) is a community educational outreach effort by SKH to train interested members of the public in a core set of medical knowledge and skills to achieve a realistic and effective sense of personal empowerment in health and medical-related matters.

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Community Health Champion (CHC)

The Community Health Champions (CHC) programme aims to equip the community with necessary skills to identify common diseases or conditions and advise them to seek assistance, when necessary. The Champions are also equipped with better understanding of the healthcare landscape.

With these skills, Champions can support residents to identify disease conditions which they might not be aware of, and thereafter seek help and intervene necessarily. These Champions become the “Eyes" and “Ears" in the community to keep a look out for fellow unwell residents, helping and navigating those who are not familiar with the healthcare system.

There would be multiple runs across the year for each module and individuals keen to become a CHC are encouraged to attend the foundation training and any other modules based on their interest and preference.

Current Modules:
  • Foundation Training
    • CHCs will learn from our Medical Social Services and Psychology Team on attending skills (empathic communication, active listening) to communicate effectively with others. 
  • Understanding Public Healthcare 
    • CHCs will learn from our Communications & Patient Experience Team on public healthcare topics such as Healthcare Financing and Inpatient Care
Upcoming Modules:
  • Mental Health Literacy
  • Recognising common conditions among seniors
  • Lifestyle Diseases

Criteria to become a CHC
We are looking for like-minded individuals keen on empowering the community and preferably staying in the northeast region.

To find out more about the CHC programme and upcoming trainings, drop an email to