Clinical profile of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in nonobese patients.
JHM Lum, MCC Cheah, WQ Leow, WK Wan, TKH Lim, WC Chow, JPE Chang, GBB Goh.
Published in Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology on 18th June 2020.
Do total parenteral nutrition and bowel rest reduce the risk for perforation in patients with gastrointestinal tract lymphoma receiving chemotherapy?
YJ Wong, JHM Lum, SF Chong, ST Lim, E Salazar
Published in Journal of Nutrition on 1st March 2019
Autoimmune Markers in NASH predict Clinical Outcome: Multicentre Observational Study.
M Lamba, MA De Roza, CA Stedman, JHM Lum, GBB Goh, JH Ngu. Gastroenterology, Vol 156, Issue 6, S-1216