Psychodynamics are relevant in everyday aspects of clinical care. Clinicians and patients bring their life experiences, thoughts, motivations, and feelings into the treatment relationship. These unconscious mental processes impact how clinicians and patients interact and behave, and in turn, affect treatment outcomes.
The CGH Psychodynamics Conference 2024 explores the nuances of psychodynamics in clinical care, bringing together an international and interprofessional group of clinicians working across diverse settings such as the community and social service sector, primary care and tertiary care settings to network and exchange knowledge and ideas how psychodynamics improve patient care and clinician wellness.
Through a series of lectures, symposia and interactive workshops, participants will appreciate how dynamic principles and psychodynamically informed interventions can improve quality of care, treatment adherence and patient outcomes, as well as enhance professional satisfaction and reduce burnout.
Conference Learning objectives:
- To attain knowledge of psychodynamic principles and the ability to apply this knowledge in day-to-day clinical encounters.
- To increase the awareness of how dynamic factors affect clinicians’ experience of patients, colleagues, and thereby treatment processes and outcomes.
- To enhance the ability of clinicians to integrate dynamic principles, psychopharmacology, and psychotherapy in clinical practice.