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​SKH Celebrates Singapore’s 55th Birthday

SKH is truly honoured to be involved in this year’s NDP celebrations. Our healthcare and frontline workers were honoured for their contribution towards the COVID-19 battle. It was truly a memorable National Day for the SKH Family. Jets flying past, Red Lions making their famed display at the nearby open field, mobile columns rumbling through the north-east route and along our hospital, saluting our healthcare and frontline workers. Our very own frontline workers (doctors, nurses, patient associates, housekeeping staff, pharmacist) were also part of the flag-raising ceremony.

Covid-19 has threatened our lives and livelihoods – bringing Singapore to almost a standstill. However, we have truly taken the crisis in our stride and emerged stronger as a nation. This year’s National Day celebration is truly a beautiful celebration of our resolve to survive and progress as a nation. We thank this year's NDP committee for putting together a much-needed celebration and bringing the National Day celebration closer to our homes. Here are some photos from this year’s celebrations.

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