Atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema
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Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis - Symptoms

AD commonly starts in infancy but some patients may present in childhood or later.

In infants and babies, AD commonly affects the scalp and face. In more severe cases, it can also affect the limbs and trunk.

In children and adolescents, AD commonly affects the flexural areas (eg. neck, elbows and behind the knees). It can become more generalised in more severely affected patients.

AD appears as red, scaly, scratched rashes. Blisters may be seen. In long-standing cases, the skin can become quite thick.

Atopic Dermatitis - How to prevent?

Atopic Dermatitis - Diagnosis

Atopic Dermatitis - Preparing for surgery

Atopic Dermatitis - Post-surgery care

Atopic Dermatitis - Other Information

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