Bedwetting: Overview, causes and treatment | KKH
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Bedwetting - What it is

Bedwetting is a common and troublesome problem in children - KKHNocturnal enuresis, commonly known as bedwetting, is wetting that occurs during sleep in a child beyond the age of five years.

Bedwetting is a common and troublesome problem in children. Traditionally it is seen as part of growing up, but when bedwetting persists beyond early childhood, it becomes unacceptable and can often be stressful and distressing to the affected children and their families.

Most children seeking treatment for bedwetting in Singapore are :

  • Five years or older, most frequently between seven and twelve years of age.
  • Suffering from a bedwetting frequency of at least two times a week, with a majority being almost every night.

Is bedwetting a problem that needs therapy?

Yes, especially when the child is of school-going age and the wetting is frequent. Studies have shown that constant bedwetting can adversely affect the psychosocial development of the child causing low self-esteem and poor social adjustment. It can also cause much resentment in parents and other family members towards the bedwetting child, and is a constant source of embarrassment that deters the sufferer from healthy outdoor activities like overnight camping and travelling.

Bedwetting - Symptoms

Bedwetting - How to prevent?

Bedwetting - Diagnosis

Bedwetting - Preparing for surgery

Bedwetting - Post-surgery care

Bedwetting - Other Information

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