Clomid: What is it, how clomid is given and useful information | KKH
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Clomid - What it is

Introduction to Clomid

Ovulatory disorders account for about 20 - 30% of all infertility patients.

Clomiphene citrate (Clomid®) is a very common drug used to induce ovulation in such patients.

How Is Clomid Given?

Your doctor will usually start you off on the smallest dosage which is 50 mg (1 tablet) daily. This is taken for 5 days either from the 2nd or the 5th day of your menstrual cycle.

The doctor will check for the effectiveness of this dosage by taking a blood test (serum progesterone) on the 21st to 23rd day of your menstrual cycle. The dosage can then be increased if necessary.

You are advised to have sexual intercourse between the 6th and 21st day of your menstrual cycle.

Clomid - Symptoms

Clomid - How to prevent?

Clomid - Causes and Risk Factors

Clomid - Diagnosis

Clomid - Treatments

Clomid - Preparing for surgery

Clomid - Post-surgery care

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