Odynophagia Diagnosis: Nasoendoscopy, Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD), Manometry | SingHealth Duke-NUS Head and Neck Centre
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Odynophagia (Pain on Swallowing)

Odynophagia (Pain on Swallowing) - Symptoms

Odynophagia (Pain on Swallowing) - How to prevent?

Odynophagia (Pain on Swallowing) - Diagnosis

What tests can be done to investigate odynophagia?

Depending on your doctor’s findings, he or she may ask you to undergo one or more of the following investigations:

1. Nasoendoscopy

A flexible camera with light is passed through one of your nostrils to look at the back of your nose, larynx and throat. This test can be done in the clinic and is useful to look for conditions affecting the throat, larynx and back of the tongue (e.g. ulcers and tumours).

2. Oesophago-gastroduodenoscopy (OGD)

In an OGD, the doctor will pass a flexible tube with a camera and light through your mouth into your oesophagus, stomach and the duodenum (first part of the small intestine). An OGD is useful for looking for mechanical causes of dysphagia (e.g. tumours, strictures). It is usually a day procedure.

3. Manometry

A tube with pressure sensors is passed down your oesophagus to measure the strength and co-ordination of the contractions of your oesophagus. This test is useful to investigate motility disorders affecting swallowing.

4. Imaging Studies

Your doctor may order some X-rays or scans. One of these X-rays is a barium swallow. In a barium swallow, an X-ray of your oesophagus and stomach is taken after swallowing some dilute barium to outline the stomach. This test is good for looking for tumours and strictures.

Odynophagia (Pain on Swallowing) - Preparing for surgery

Odynophagia (Pain on Swallowing) - Post-surgery care

Odynophagia (Pain on Swallowing) - Other Information

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