Squints: Overview, treatment and myths | KKH
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Squints - Symptoms

Squints - How to prevent?

Squints - Causes and Risk Factors

Squints - Diagnosis

Squints - Preparing for surgery

Squints - Post-surgery care

Squints - Other Information

​Some Myths About Squints

Myth: "All babies squint."

Fact: They do not. Although the eyes are initially un-coordinated, control of eye movements is achieved at approximately three months of age.

Myth: "Children under two cannot be examined."

Fact: No child is too young to be examined for a squint. If squinting is present and detected early, appropriate treatment can be given.

Myth: "No harm will occur if a squint is left alone as the child will outgrow it."

Fact: The child can suffer loss of vision (amblyopia) in the squinting eye. This may become permanent if neglected.

Myth: "You need not correct a squint that is not severe."

Fact: A small squint is as likely to result in amblyopia and defective binocular vision as a large squint. The child should be referred to the eye doctor as early as possible for treatment.

Myth: "Squints can be straightened at any age therefore delay does not matter."

Fact: Although surgery can be performed at any age, it may only improve the cosmetic appearance. Early surgery (after appropriate amblyopia treatment) provides the chance for full coordination of both eyes and binocular (3-dimensional) vision.

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