Squints: Overview, treatment and myths | KKH
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Squints - What it is

​Squints In Children

A squint occurs when the two eyes are not looking in the same direction. Squints can happen at any age. The medical term is "strabismus".

The squinting eye can turn inwards (convergent squint) or outwards (divergent squint). A squint can also be vertical, with one eye higher than the other.

Squints in children - KKH

Squints can be constant (i.e. present all the time) or they can be intermittent and occur under certain circumstances, e.g. reading, looking in the distance, or when tired. When a squint is constant, the following can occur:

  • Amblyopia or Lazy Eye: When the child has a constant squint, the squinting eye is not used to see and this can result in that eye developing poor vision. An eye that has poor vision from lack of use in childhood is said to be lazy or amblyopic. Squints can cause amblyopia and amblyopia can cause squints.
  • Abnormal Head Position: Some people adopt an abnormal head position like a tilt or face turn to try to keep both eyes aligned when they have a squint.
  • Defective Stereovision

Squints - Symptoms

Squints - How to prevent?

Squints - Causes and Risk Factors

Squints - Diagnosis

Squints - Preparing for surgery

Squints - Post-surgery care

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