Valve Repair / Replacement Post-Surgery Care: ICU, wound care, physical activity, healthy diet, cardiac rehabilitation and preventive cardiology programme
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Valve Repair / Replacement

Valve Repair / Replacement - Symptoms

Valve Repair / Replacement - How to prevent?

Valve Repair / Replacement - Diagnosis

Valve Repair / Replacement - Treatments

Valve Repair / Replacement - Post-surgery care

After a valve repair or replacement surgery

After the surgery, you will be closely monitored in the intensive care unit (ICU) for any signs of infection. Devices like intravenous tubes may be used to administer fluids and medications while chest drains and a urinary catheter will be used to drain excess urine and fluids. When you are fit to be transferred to a High Dependency Unit or general ward, these devices will be removed according to your doctor’s instructions.  

Upon your discharge, you will be advised on how to care for your wounds and how to monitor yourself for infections. You will also be advised to adhere to the prescribed medications which will be reviewed at each outpatient visit. 

Recovering from valve repair or replacement surgery 

Typically, patients who have undergone valve surgery will only be hospitalised around a week. However, full recovery is expected to take about two months. Patients recovering from major heart surgeries, such as valve repairs and replacements, should take note of the following for quicker recovery:

1) Engage in light physical activity
You can start with light activities such as doing chores and taking strolls. This can be beneficial to patients who face difficulties with sleeping after the surgery. However, within the first two months, you should avoid:

  • Lifting, pushing or pulling heavy objects (depending on your level of fitness)
  • Driving a car  

If it is possible, patients going back to work should start with reduced working hours and workloads before gradually increasing these back to normal. This prevents excessive strain on the body.

2) Care for your wound(s)
Keep the wounds and the surrounding areas dry. Clean the wound using soap and warm water only. Please visit your doctor immediately if you notice any signs of infection such as:

  • Pus 
  • Fever more than 38º C
  • Tenderness and redness around the wound(s)
  • Opening up of the wound(s)

3) Take note of cognitive and emotional changes
Patients might experience slight decreases in their cognitive functions though this is usually temporary. To cope with this, patients should avoid any stressful or mentally taxing tasks within the first few weeks of surgery. 

Some patients might also experience an onset of low moods or even depression after the surgery. However, patients’ moods should generally improve over the period of recovery. Patients could also speak with their family and friends to cope with these emotions. 

You should also make healthy lifestyle changes to sustain the improvements made through the surgery. This could include eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking and managing your stress levels. 

Cardiovascular Rehabilitation & Preventive Cardiology (CVR & PC) Programme

You are encouraged to attend the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation & Preventive Cardiology Programme that will enable and encourage you on the road to recovery.

Cardiovascular rehabilitation is a process that assists you in making the transition from a state of illness back to a state of health and normal function. It is a lifelong process and begins from the time of diagnosis. The four basic features of the programme are behavioural counselling, aggressive risk factor modification, health education and exercise training.

Cardiac Rehab Programme


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