Fleet® Oral should be taken at ______________. If you cannot finish all the medication at one go, you may drink it slowly over 1 hour.
Fleet® Oral should be mixed with at least 500 mL of cold water, soft drinks (e.g. Coke/Sprite), Ribena or other sweetened beverages. Do not mix with coffee, tea or milk as this can affect the medication. Low-residue diet, e.g. plain porridge, plain white bread, clear soups, boiled eggs or steamed fish is recommended. Please avoid fibre-rich, high fat and spicy food all these foods may irritate the stomach and cause more discomfort. (e.g. vegetables, fruits, cereal, milk and creamy products, brown rice, nuts).
If you forget to take the medication at the prescribed timing, please take it as soon as you remember.
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