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HIV and AIDS - How to prevent?

Prevention is better than treatment. 

Safe and protected sexual practices (e.g. use of condoms, limit your number of sexual partners) is recommended. For persons with multiple sexual partners, we recommend getting tested and treated for other sexually transmitted disease to reduce the risk of HIV transmission as well. In individuals who are at high risk for acquiring HIV, pre-exposure prophylaxis with a medication, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-emtricitabine, is sometimes offered, but this should be discussed with your healthcare provider and close follow-up is required. 

Injection drug use is not recommended. For persons who practice injection drug use, safe injection practice is advised, (e.g. do not share needles). 

HIV infected women should be on HIV medications to reduce the risk of passing HIV to their babies. 

Following exposure to someone with HIV (either through needlestick injury in the healthcare setting or through sexual contact), post exposure prophylaxis is offered in high risk cases within up to 72 hours of exposure. Again, you should be reviewed by your healthcare provider to discuss this. 

HIV and AIDS - Preparing for surgery

HIV and AIDS - Post-surgery care

HIV and AIDS - Other Information