Ebstein Anomaly Diagnosis: echocardiogram, chest x-ray, holter monitor | National Heart Centre Singapore
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Ebstein's Anomaly

Ebstein's Anomaly - How to prevent?

Ebstein's Anomaly - Diagnosis

Your doctor may review your signs and symptoms and conduct a physical examination. If your doctor suspects Ebstein Anomaly, your doctor may recommend several tests, including:

  • Echocardiogram assesses the structure of your heart, the tricuspid valve and the blood flow through your heart.

Your doctor may also order a transesophageal echocardiogram to provide a detailed image of your heart.

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) can help your doctor detect irregularities in your heart's rhythm and structure, and offer clues as to the presence of an extra accessory pathway.
  • Chest X-ray can reveal if your heart is enlarged, which may be due to Ebstein Anomaly.
  • Cardiac MRI may be used to determine the severity of your condition, get a detailed view of the tricuspid valve, and assess the size and function of your lower right heart chamber (right ventricle).
  • Holter monitor may be used to diagnose rhythm disturbances that occur at unpredictable times. You wear the monitor under your clothing and it records information about the electrical activity of your heart as you go about your normal activities for a day or two.

Ebstein's Anomaly - Preparing for surgery

Ebstein's Anomaly - Post-surgery care

Ebstein's Anomaly - Other Information

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