Paranasal Sinus Tumours What is it: Overview, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment | SingHealth Duke-NUS Head and Neck Centre
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Paranasal Sinus Tumours

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - What it is

paranasal sinus tumours conditions & treatmentsThe paranasal sinuses are air-filled spaces and comprises of the maxillary sinuses, the ethmoid sinuses, the sphenoid sinuses and the frontal sinuses. As they are air-filled, tumours that arise in the paranasal sinuses often only present when they are large enough to obstruct the sinuses, or when they cause compressive symptoms on neighbouring structures (such as the orbit).

Types of Tumours

Various neoplasms ranging from benign to malignant tumours can arise in the paranasal sinuses. Fortunately, malignant neoplasms of the paranasal sinuses are uncommon and account for <1% of all neoplasms. Several more commonly seen neoplasms are listed in the table here:

Benign TumoursMalignant Tumours
  • Inverted papilloma
  • Juvenile angiofibroma
  • Osteoma
  • Capillary hemangioma
  • Pleomorphic adenoma
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Undifferentiated carcinoma
  • Adenoid cystic carcinoma
  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Esthesioneuroblastoma

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - How to prevent?

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - Preparing for surgery

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - Post-surgery care

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - Other Information

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