Paranasal Sinus Tumours Symptoms: Nasal obstruction, Blood-stained nasal discharge, Epistaxis | SingHealth Duke-NUS Head and Neck Centre
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Paranasal Sinus Tumours

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - Symptoms

The following are some ways in which paranasal sinuses tumours can present in patients:

  1. Nasal obstruction
  2. Blood-stained nasal discharge or sputum
  3. Epistaxis (Nose bleed)
  4. Visual disturbances such as diplopia
  5. Epiphora (obstruction of lacrimal
  6. Facial fullness or pain

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - How to prevent?

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - Preparing for surgery

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - Post-surgery care

Paranasal Sinus Tumours - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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